Users can get rid of water from LCD, LED or OLED screen of your Smartphone. I will tell you a trick on how to fix a water damaged touch screen the same time until you see the apple icon then once u have seen the icon you let go of the sleep/awake button ONLY AND CONTINUE TO HOLD THE HOME BUTTON UNTIL YOU SEE A MESSAGE ON your iTunes. Just connect you iPod to your computer make sure iTunes is up and then hold down the sleep/awake button on the top right hand corner and the home button. If you have a white screen grey and multiple colored vertical lines in your ipod touch, don’t panic ! The solution is thankfully very simple.Black Screen on TV: Hook up Atari 7 flashback to a Roku TCL tv, when I turn it on all I get is a black screen and rainbow colors, do I need a conv: My scepture TV went black: Monitor only shows black screen: Black TV screen: how to connect a black web video converter to a sansui tv: Solved! vertical black lines resolved by pressure on board chip.If you have set up Family Sharing on your iPhone, you can see My Purchases option on All Purchases screen. How to Restore Accidentally Deleted Apps on iPhone and iPad. What’s more, re-downloading the app doesn’t cost you anything if you’ve already bought the app. Thanks to iCloud, Apple has made app management easy and hassle-free.